The Secret Projects 2021 Christmas Edit! There are so many ways to shop with us this Christmas time!

The Secret Projects 2021 Christmas Edit! There are so many ways to shop with us this Christmas time!

 17th Nov 2021 |  Blog |  Margaret Ring

Our Christmas Edit - come shopping with us and economically empower women in India!
We are delighted to offer a number of ways that we can help with Christmas gift buying. From our Business in a Box that takes the 'faff' out of present buying to a great idea for that person who you never know what to buy! Please read on...

Business in a Box at Christmas time!
So simple and helps take the faff out of your Christmas shopping and we are offering a 10% discount on each box!

Use code: earlybirdbusinessinabox (when shopping in GBP)
Use code: earlybirdbusinessinaboxusa (when shopping in US Dollars)

Our Makers in India need to work. Our Customers across the globe want to buy sustainable and ethical Christmas gifts. Mix this all together and hey presto, we give you Business in a Box for Christmas!

Order a box from this Collection and our Makers will immediately begin work to lovingly stitch each Secret Product in your box! These will then be shipped to our UK warehouse in plenty of time to place them into a beautiful box to pop in the post to be with you well before Christmas. Your gorgeous box will also contain Christmas cards as well as newspaper gift bags for each item, to make life even easier!

Choose from small, medium or large, each one packed full a selection of stunning Secret Products and, more importantly, women's economic empowerment!

Please order by November 30th at the latest.

Click the links below to shop for Business in a Box on our UK and US retail stores:

Business in a Box shop in GBP

Business in a Box shop in US Dollars

Visit us to shop for your gifts in person or virtually at our business unit in West Sussex...
We have some gorgeous Secret Products, from our signature Secret Pillows to our useful and reusable Secret Shopping Bags (great for stocking fillers!), waiting for you at our business unit in Pulborough, West Sussex. Why not pay us a visit either in person or virtually to do some seasonal gift buying? We are open for shopping each Monday, Thursday or Saturday and our CEO, Fritha will step into the role of sales assistant and, of course, share the wonderful story behind each Secret Product.

Our business unit is housed in the gorgeous West Sussex countryside and the area is charming, with quaint market towns, ancient churches and great places to eat, so you could make a day of it! Please let us know that you would like to come and shop with us by emailing, giving the date and rough time you will be arriving.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Sponsor Secret Face Masks for India as a gift for a loved one, or instead of sending Christmas cards and help us to reach a new target! 
As many of you will know, we launched our Sponsor Secret Face Masks for India appeal in April 2021 in response to the second wave of Covid-19 in India to make and distribute 10,000 Secret Face Masks to communities in India, free of charge. Thanks to the generosity of many sponsors, we have been able to distribute over 2000 masks to hundreds of adults and children in remote regions of The Sundarbans and Andhra Pradesh. Huge thanks to everyone who has contributed.

We have a request. Can you help us to make and distribute a further 1000 masks in these areas?

Again, thanks to the kindness of sponsors, we currently have enough funds to make and give out a further 500 masks AND we want to be able to double this figure! 

To help us reach this latest challenge, we have given our appeal a new angle for Christmas time! Why not sponsor a pack/s of face masks as a gift for a friend or loved one, or instead of sending Christmas cards?

As a Christmas gift...
This is a wonderful gift to give on so many levels... not least for that one person who you never know what to buy...

Sponsorship costs are £20 for a pack of children's Secret Face Masks and £25 for a pack of adult's face masks. That's $30 and $35 respectively if you are shopping at our US online shop.

Instead of sending Christmas cards...
Many of us are now choosing to make a contribution to a cause close to our hearts instead of sending Christmas cards. If this is you, why not sponsor a pack/s of Secret Face Masks? (Costs above.)

When you sponsor a pack/s of Secret Face Mask/s we will send you a choice of 2 links to use either to send to the lucky recipient if giving as a gift, or for social media if contributing rather than sending greeting cards:
Instead of buying you a Christmas present
Instead of sending Christmas cards

Both, you will notice are expertly voiced by our very own Sumathi, SP's General Manager in India!

Click the links below to sponsor Secret Face Masks for India!

Sponsor Secret Face Masks for India in GBP

Sponsor Secret Face Masks for India in US Dollars

Give the gift of ethical investment this Christmas to a loved one...
Buy them shares in Secret Projects Community Benefit Society - a meaningful present that will give women in India the opportunity to thrive.

Buying shares for a loved one as a Christmas gift in Secret Projects Community Benefit Society, makes many, many powerful things happen...

It's a fantastic way of supporting the Change Maker in your life - the person who wants a fairer world, where vulnerable and marginalised people are given a chance to become empowered to support themselves and their families financially.  Believe us, they will thank you warmly for this unique and thoughtful present.

Secret Projects empowers women in India through the making and selling of clothing and homeware. The women don't want 'handouts', they simply want an opportunity to earn their own income and that is exactly what we have helped over 500 women achieve in the last 7 years living in regions of India where there are few income generating opportunities. We are committed to helping more women - it's what drives us.  Buying Shares as a gift, (or as a personal investment) means that we can work with even more women and help them to create better and safer lives for themselves, their families and children.

Shares are £10 each with a minimum investment of just £50 and shares bought on behalf of a young person (16's and under) will come with a Young Shareholder Pack.

To buy shares for a loved one this Christmas, please click here.

Please note: If you would like our Young Shareholder Pack and Share Certificate Letter emailed to you in time for Christmas, please contact, giving the name of the person/s you have purchased the shares for.

Head to our eBay for Change store for a selection of gorgeous gift ideas! We are offering 30% off all Secret Products!*
Use code: CHRISTMASSP at the checkout
Whether you are shopping for adults or children, 'main presents' or stocking fillers, you can be sure to find a wonderful, unique gift from our gorgeous Ranges of Secret Products available at our eBay for Change store!

Above all, you can shop with the knowledge that every gift you choose for friends and loved ones brings economic empowerment for the women of our Maker Community, who have lovingly stitched our products. The money they earn is put to excellent use to buy food and medicines, for children's education as well as providing for elderly relatives.  As Covid-19 continues to affect communities in India, this income has become even more important for families.
Photos from left to right: Secret Pillow, Secret Shopping Bag, Secret Skirt and Secret Scarves, all ready to be placed in stockings or under the Christmas tree!!!
*Please note: This offer is only available through our eBay for Change store.

Click here to visit our eBay for Change store:

Here's a great and unique gift idea... an eco house tour (as seen on television!) with a delicious lunch and a chance to learn more about Secret Projects!
2nd April 2022, Pulborough, West Sussex
You may have heard that our CEO Fritha, and her partner Olaf, a master carpenter, have recently completed the building of their very own eco-house with the journey of the build being followed by UK Channel 4's Grand Designs programme. If you haven't seen their episode, click here to watch.

Since the programme aired, Fritha and Olaf have been asked by so many people if they could come and experience the house for themselves. So, last month they spent a weekend giving house tours with the option of being able to also visit the Secret Projects business unit, just down the road to hear a brief update on our work, as well as having an opportunity to shop for Secret Products.

It's fair to say that the tours have proved very popular and there is demand for more, so a new spring date has been added for next year - Saturday 2nd April. The day will consist of a presentation by Fritha at our business unit about Secret Projects latest work, a delicious lunch and a tour of the eco-house.

We are asking for a £25 contribution towards our Secret Face Masks for India appeal. 

If you would like to reserve a space on the day for yourself, or as a Christmas gift, please click the pink button below.

Please note: If purchasing as a gift, please let us know in your email and we will send you a voucher to give to the lucky recipient/s!

To book please email:


Please enjoy Christmas shopping with us and even more so, knowing that each product you buy from us economically empowers women in India. 


Introducing the Secret Projects Dig Dog Range for pets!

Introducing the Secret Projects Dig Dog Range for pets!

Our latest range is for our four-legged friends! Introducing the Secret Projects Dig Dog range for pets! Pets love scraps and so do we! Made from the . . . scrap pieces of fabric left over from production of our other collections, we knew that our latest range for pets would go down a storm with pets and their owners alike! Although the bandannas are perhaps more appreciated by the owners than their furry companion, every dog will just love that each bandana comes with a matching treat bag - and all pet lovers know just how important treats are! Very handily, our little bags have a secure drawstring, so treats stay safely inside whilst out on a walk. Cuteness aside, (and this range is so cute...) our Dig Dog range is made for us by our Makers (the name we give to the women who lovingly stitch our products) and each woman is paid a fair wage for her skills and is able to use the money she earns with us to support herself, her children and her family. So, your pet is responsible for empowering women economically! Woof! The Dig Dog range is available in a range of sizes and pattern and colours - so you can be sure to find something that is perfect for your pooch! Click here to view the full collection.   Image: Coco and Biscuit resplendent in their Dig Dog range bandannas!      
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Our first destash!

Our first destash!

What to do on a rainy Sunday? Hold our very first destash! You may be asking what a destash is?  In short, it's a call out to people to go through old . . . sewing supplies and fabric etc. and donate it to a good cause. With that good cause being Secret Projects! We set up in the Pulborough Village Hall (which is close to where our Business Unit is), and, through various advertising methods, the word had spread and we were delighted to welcome scores of people who came along with their very gratefully received donations. Donations weren't just brought in on the day, we had parcels sent to us and others dropped supplies round to our CEO's house in Pulborough ahead of the official destash day. In total we collected 325 kilos of delici0us pre-loved sewing supplies. Much of the fabric donated has been sorted and will be made up into our ever popular and best selling scrap packs available through our eBay and Etsy Stores. In fact, we now have over 30 different scrap packs to purchase and more will be added, so do keep visiting our stores. We are still taking donations and if you do have any fabric or pre-loved sewing supplies, please do get in touch via And of course the most enormous thank you everyone who donated to, and also helped us run our very first destash! More to come! Let's hear it for destashing!   Image: offering a cup of tea to all who came along to the destash was one way of us saying a big thank you.
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We would LOVE you to donate any unwanted sewing supplies to us!

We would LOVE you to donate any unwanted sewing supplies to us!

We can make such good use of your pre-loved sewing supplies We have added various items of pre-loved sewing supplies to our online stores, including . . . scrap fabrics and buttons for the past few years and it has developed into a small but very good source of income for our Community Benefit Society. The pre-loved sewing supplies market is only getting stronger and is something we are keen to develop and grow and are therefore putting out an 'ask' to our customers and supporters (and of course, anyone else who reads this!) for your old sewing items. We would LOVE them! Ideas for sewing supplies donations! From scrap fabric, to buttons, to pins, to needles, to embroidery equipment, we would adore to talk to you about what you have. Sewing items can often have sentimental value - in fact, our Comms Manager, Margaret was just telling us about a pin cushion she has of her mother's that she could only give away to someone who would really appreciate, and make good use of. Maybe this has resonated with you. So, if you do have sewing supplies you would like to donate, please email Fritha Vincent Mason at: We would just LOVE your pre-loved sewing supplies!  
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