We are delighted to have been chosen to take part in SIS Retail Academy 2.0. (Social Investment Scotland Retail Academy.)

What is the Social Investment Scotland Retail Academy 2.0?
It's a brand new programme that has been designed to support existing organisations that are ready to scale up their operations in order to take their enterprise to the next level - like Secret Projects! The week long programme has been designed to help businesses think big, think globally and develop practical steps to expand and develop their ventures.
With the support of key partners Asda and the Scottish Government, social enterprises and entrepreneurs will have access to sessions with world famous industry experts and inspirational speakers via this innovative programme.
The course covers the following areas:
· Developing a leadership mindset
· Creating a plan for growth
· Managing the financials, legalities and liabilities of business growth
· Establishing retail collaborations and wholesaling deals
· Sourcing funding for growth
· Levelling up marketing and sales
· Going international
We are grateful for this opportunity and our CEO Fritha is currently spending her week taking part in this excellent programme.