Discover the many ways you can shop from all over the world
We have put together this useful guide to explain the ins and outs of shopping with us from different countries and sending Secret Products to others throughout the world.
We are proud...
To be able to offer our Customers a huge range of ways to purchase Secret Products online
To sell Secret Products in Rupees, Sterling, Euros and US Dollars. We are constantly exploring adding new currencies
To guide our Customers about shopping with us from their respective countries
We hope you find the guide useful, but please do get in touch if you have any questions or need further information by emailing
UK Customers
Customers based in the UK, who would like to make their payment in Sterling can shop in the following ways:
Our official Online UK Retail Store
Products are shipped from India with the current delivery time of 7 + working days via Aramex Courier service. Please note: For orders received in the UK, the recipient may find they will be charged for the VAT on the goods by the UK Customs and Excise Department. If this charge is levied, it is the responsibility of the recipient to make the payment.
*Full range of Secret Products available
Products are shipped from our headquarters in West Sussex with a delivery time of 3-5 working days via Royal Mail. International shipping options are also available.
*Limited range available, but new products are being added all the time
The Big Issue Shop
Products are shipped from our headquarters in West Sussex with a delivery time of 3-5 working days via Royal Mail. Currently shipping is only within the UK.
*Limited range of Secret Products available. Prices are slightly lower
Crowdfunder UK
We are not currently selling Secret Products via a Crowdfunding campaign. We will be adding the details of our next campaign soon!
Join our Secret Projects Bargain Basement Facebook Group
Payment is via BACS and shipping is only within the UK.
*End of line, seconds and scrap fabrics available
European Customers
Customers based in the Europe, who would like to make their payment in Euros can shop in the following ways:
Our official Retail Europe Online Store
Products are shipped from India with the current delivery time of 7 + working days via Aramex Courier service. Please note: For orders received in the UK, the recipient may find they will be charged for the VAT on the goods by the UK Customs and Excise Department. If this charge is levied, it is the responsibility of the recipient to make the payment.
*Full range of Secret Products available
Products are shipped from our headquarters in West Sussex with a delivery time of 3-5 working days via Royal Mail. International shipping options are also available.
*Limited range available, but new products are being added all the time
USA Customers
Customers based in the USA who would like to make their payment in US Dollars, can shop in the following ways:
Our official Retail USA Online Store
Products are shipped from India with the current delivery time of 7 + working days via Aramex Courier service. Please note: For orders received in the UK, the recipient may find they will be charged for the VAT on the goods by the UK Customs and Excise Department. If this charge is levied, it is the responsibility of the recipient to make the payment.
*Full range of Secret Products available
Products are shipped from our headquarters in West Sussex with a delivery time of 3-5 working days via Royal Mail. International shipping options are also available.
*Limited range available, but new products are being added all the time.
Personal Shopping with Secret Projects!
We are able to offer our Customers a one-hour virtual personal shopping experience to give you time to browse through our collections of clothing and homeware and learn a little more about our Maker Communities who lovingly stitch Secret Products. To arrange this, please email Secret Projects CEO, Fritha Mason: or send her a WhatsApp message on: +44 (0)7824 999675.
Please enjoy shopping for Secret Products and thank you for journeying with us towards our vision of a world where all women have the confidence and resources to make choices, thrive and contribute to the strengthening of their communities.
If you would like further information or have any questions, please let us know by emailing
Many thanks.