Our Appeal - help us to make and distribute 10,000 Secret Face Masks to communities in India
The brainchild of Sumathi, Director and Shin, Marketing Manager of Social Power India (SPI), we would like to introduce an appeal to provide Secret Face Masks, produced by women from our Maker Community and given free of charge to communities in need throughout India.
The details...
We want to make and distribute 10,000 Secret Face Masks
Sponsorship costs are £20/€25/$30 for a pack of 20 children's masks and £25/€30/$35 for a pack of 20 adult's face masks
Backers of our appeal are able to sponsor multiple packs of Secret Face Masks
We would also like to ask our Customers, Shareholders and Friends to consider matching the amount we have raised from the appeal to the amount of £2,500. If you are able to do this, or want to chat it through, please contact Fritha Mason: fritha@secretprojects.org
One of the most positive aspects of our appeal lies in the fact that not only will we be providing vital face masks for those in need, but women from our Maker Community who are able to work from home during lockdown, as we don't operate from a factory, can continue production of the masks and receive an income to support themselves, their families, and children during this incredibly difficult time.
To sponsor Secret Face Masks for India
Please follow these instructions carefully
Please head to our online retail shops by clicking the links below. (Shop in GBP, Euros or US Dollars)
Sponsor Secret Face Masks in GBP
Sponsor Secret Face Masks in Euros
Sponsor Secret Face Masks in US Dollars
Select how many packs of 20 Secret Face Masks you would like to sponsor to be distributed in India by SPI and add these to your basket.
Next, click the link in point number 2 of the instructions to choose a pack of 5 Secret Face Masks for yourself (available in both adults and children's sizes) at £10/€14/$15 per pack (the shipping is free) and again, add to your basket.*
Finally, follow the instructions to complete your purchase, providing a shipping address.*
*Please note that due to Indian export regulations, we do require our Customers, Friends and Shareholders who would like to contribute to our Secret Face Mask sponsorship appeal to purchase at least one pack of 5 Secret Face Masks for themselves, to be shipped out of India to their address. As Bengaluru is currently in lock down, we will ship your Secret Face Masks as soon as the restrictions lift.
These instructions are repeated when you go to our online shops!
How we plan to distribute the face masks
Initially, we plan to provide free face masks for whoever is in need in and around Bengaluru, where we are based and in Andhra Pradesh, South-East India and the Sundarbans in the Bay of Bengal, where we can work with our NGO partners.
In and around Bengaluru
Shin and Sumathi have many contacts in and around the area who can help us. We will give face masks to hospitals as well as marginalised communities in the city, where many of our Makers live.
Andhra Pradesh and the Sundarbans
In both these areas we have very good links with NGO's who work with groups of marginalised women. We will liaise with our partners and provide them with the necessary fabric and funds for local women's sewing groups to make the masks, and the NGO's will arrange for their distribution.
One of the most positive aspects of our appeal lies in the fact that not only will we be providing vital face masks for those in need, but women from our Maker Community will stitch the masks and receive an income to support themselves, their families and children during this incredibly difficult time.
Thank you so much for your support.