Motivational Speaking
Fritha is the founder and leader of Secret Projects and a performance coach and motivational speaker. Fritha has lectured at universities all over the world. She gives a special lecture called the Secret Pillow Lecture on the formation and the early journey of Secret Pillow Project. Fritha speaks to students who know they need to make a difference in the world, but are unsure about what that difference looks like, where to start, how to start and how to know that their difference is worth making.
Through sharing her story, Fritha inspires social entrepreneurs, and shares tools to get them going. This lecture can help anyone find their social passion, and learn how to catalyse their energy, how to successfully crowd fund and how to look after themselves
Secret Projects CEO, Fritha Mason, has many years of speaking to groups and organisations as a motivational speaker. Fritha's talks centre around a number of themes, including the journey she went on to become a social entrepreneur, using disruptive technologies and how she went on to establish a global, ethical brand. It's fair to say her USP involves helping others to explore ways they can make a difference in the world!
Who can book one of Fritha's motivational talks?
Fritha doesn't limit herself to one type of group or organisation formal or informal, big or small! You might be:
A business
A membership group
A Rotary or WI group
A college or university
A team within an organisation
A profit making organisation
An NGO or charity
Talks can be held either face to face (if appropriate) or via Zoom or other digital conference platorms.
We also offer a comprehensive lecture series, please click here to learn more.
To discuss hiring Fritha as a motivational speaker, please email us at:
Photo above: Secret Projects CEO, Fritha Mason giving a 60 second 'speed speech' at the Royal Society of Arts, London UK.
Film below: below is a clip when Fritha was interviewed on the BBC world news