Collection: Buy Shares in Secret Projects Community Benefit Society

 Join us… We invite you to invest in Secret Projects Community Benefits Society (Secret Projects CBS)

We would like to invite you to join our global community Secret Projects customers and supporters, as well as social investors to join our community of 200 investors and own Secret Projects with us. 

This video was created to inspire our first investors to come on board... it is 3.5 minutes long. Please watch and be inspired.

We would like to invite you to buy Community Shares for yourself or as a gift for a loved ones. New shareholders will join our community of over 280 people who live all over the world and who equally own Secret Projects with us.

Below are our Community Share offerings for you to buy for yourself or your loved ones starting from £50.

Investment details are:

  • Community Shares in Secret Projects CBS are £10 each with a minimum share investment of just 5 shares per person, totalling £50.  
  • Both Adults and under 16’s can own shares  
  • Shares can be gifted (to both adults and under 16’s) 
  • Shares can be bought via our website via the products listed below. If you would like to buy shares of a value over £1000, please email us at the contact email below. 
  •  Shares can be bought via BACS. They can also be bought over a period of time and paid for in monthly instalments. If you would like to discuss these options, please email us at the contact email below.
  • For any UK take payers investing over £500, you can invest with The Enterprise Investment Scheme. For further details, please email us at the contact email below.

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Important information about investing with Secret Projects 
Please note that your money is at risk and not covered by the Financial Services Authority (FSA).