Covid 19 Update. A report by Nirmala, our Country Director in India
As we all know, many, many countries are currently in 'lockdown' ordered by governments, to decrease and halt the spread of the coronavirus. Many of our customers, supporters and investors have been in touch asking how the situation is affecting our Maker Community.
As the Country Director for Secret Projects in India, I am pleased to provide a report in the form of a question and answer session to provide the latest and most accurate information about how India and particularly our Makers, are being affected during this unprecedented time.
How is the Secret Projects Maker Community?
Nirmala: Those Maker Groups I have been able to contact have told me that they and their families are all safe and doing well amidst the Covid 19 crisis and that there has been no reports of anyone being infected with the virus in their neighbourhoods. I am working hard to contact the remaining groups I haven't managed to speak with and I will be giving updates regularly as I have more information about everyone's well-being.
How is the lockdown affecting them and their communities?
Nirmala: As we work across 5 states in this vast continent, it is fair to say that the women from our Maker Groups and their families are perhaps having very different experiences depending on their geographical region. For example, those based in and around cities or large towns may have easier access to day to day staples than those based in remote areas.
It is fair to say though, that the vast majority of our Makers live in families that rely heavily on the earnings of daily wagers and unskilled workers with this market being affected massively, with 85% this labour pool being unable to work. This will have caused much distress and any small amount of savings (if they indeed have anything to fall back on) these families hold, will very quickly be spent.
What support is on offer to the people of India?
Nirmala: The Indian government is providing free wheat and rice to families that fall on or below the poverty line and fresh milk is also being supplied by some individuals and companies.
I have however heard of some heart warming stories of support among communities. People are cooking for neighbours and other members of their towns and villages and we are particularly proud to report that one of our Secret Projects colleagues Justin, who runs a small fruit and vegetable shop is providing those in need with free groceries, having raised funds to cover this within his own network. I know that there are many acts of kindness and support happening around the country.
Are there any positive stories about Secret Projects Makers at this unprecedented time?
Nirmala: I'm happy to say that I have been very heartened by a number of such stories.
Shankaramma, (pictured below, fourth from left) is part of our Banashankari Maker Group. Ironically, the lockdown in India coincided with the onset of the Hindu Lunar New Year calendar and the great celebration called Ugadi and Shankaramma had planned to travel to her hometown with her husband and son to be with their wider family. However, she made the decision that they should go without her, as she wanted to remain behind as she had received a good number of orders for outfits that she wanted to complete and to be on-hand for her customers as they collected their new clothes and begin their festival preparations.
Of course the government then put the country into lockdown, meaning that many of her clientele can't currently work and sadly can no longer afford to pay Shankaramma, or collect their clothing. However they all really appreciate the fact that Shankaramma has put her customers first by deciding to remain behind and as soon as the lockdown is over and people begin earning again, they will pay her and will use her services in the future.
Shankaramma, fourth from left wearing her gorgeous red and green sari
I am incredibly proud of the brave decision that Shankaramma has made and it shows a deep and true entrepreneurial spirit and Secret Projects are so honoured to have played a part in helping Shankaramma develop her talent for business. As her husband and son can't currently travel back home until the lockdown has been lifted, Shankarmma has told me that she is feeling lonely, but feels she made completely the right decision both for her business and her family and feels confident that she is going to be okay.
I am also glad to report that I have been in touch with Molly who is the leader of another of our Maker Groups, Molly's Sewing Unit. As soon as lockdown happened, Molly closed the doors to her unit, but with great insight has set up a WhatsApp group with the women and is currently holding training sessions via video to ensure the women keep up to date with their skills. Once the lockdown is lifted, Molly plans for business as usual and will resume training and production.
Many of you may remember Shylaja (pictured below) who was the amazing entrepreneur that we featured during our Secret Project Community Benefit Society Share Offer earlier this year. Shylaja had been able to save enough money from working with Secret Projects to open up her own sewing shop on the main road in the town where she, her husband and 2 sons live. She has had to close her shop for now, but she will open again as soon as the lockdown lifts and we are hoping to be able to give Shylaja an order for Secret Products as soon as we possibly can.
Shylaja in her sewing shop
I hope that you have found my report informative and I will of course be bringing further updates as the Covid 19 situation in India changes and I have further news from our Maker Groups.
Keep well.